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With tragic deaths of circus animals in Europe in the news - it’s great that the use of wild animals in circuses is banned in Scotland – with England set to follow and Wales considering a ban. Add your voice to call for an EU wide ban: #notentertainers
— Animal Protection UK (@MoveTheWorldUK) 13 avril 2018
#Instant #Animal ud83d udc26 Face a la reserve des Sept-Iles la station de la ligue de protection des animaux d u2019Ile grande est un centre de sauvetage specialise dans l'accueil des oiseaux marins blesses ou mazoutes @LPOFrance #Thalassa @fanny_agostini https t co v6RGFtu4CH
— Thalassa (@ThalassaOff) Mars 20, 2018
— Thalassa (@ThalassaOff) Mars 20, 2018