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Before Lion Air Flight #JT610 lost contact on Monday the plane displayed erratic changes in its speed altitude an u2026 https t co RRDYRZavEW
— The New York Times (@nytimes) Octobre 30, 2018
— The New York Times (@nytimes) Octobre 30, 2018
Pourquoi les avions passent par le Pole Nord u2935 ufe0f -- https t co noC5ZryMyn #avgeek #flight #aircraft #aviation #aeronautique
— Dataero (@DataeroFR) Juillet 12, 2018
— Dataero (@DataeroFR) Juillet 12, 2018
Wow RT @TrumpTrain45Pac An eagle's view while in flight https t co RidBqqHm0D
— \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Patriot 24\/7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8 (@TrumpTrain45Pac) Juillet 21, 2017
— \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8Patriot 24\/7\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf (@TrumpTrain45Pac) Juillet 21, 2017
Metal 3D printing takes\u00a0flight with the likes of @SpaceX and @NASA https:\/\/t.co\/y2CrMhS7dk @TechCrunch #3dprinting https:\/\/t.co\/W9a9iiAiBX
— 3D Hubs (@3DHubs) Juillet 29, 2016
— 3D Hubs (@3DHubs) Juillet 29, 2016
40,000 km without fuel - 17 legs - 510 flying hours. Here are the top RTW flight pictures. #SolarImpulse #avgeek https:\/\/t.co\/8FgDe9WPkK
— Altran (@Altran) Juillet 26, 2016
— Altran (@Altran) Juillet 26, 2016
[#wifi]Google Flight va pouvoir vous dire si votre avion est \u00e9quip\u00e9 du WiFi : http:\/\/t.co\/6HDsnRc19B #hyperconnectes #etourisme
— Tourisme Tarn (@TourismeTarn) Mars 19, 2015
RT @verge: Taking flight through a drone's-eye view on VR is a wild and unique experience http:\/\/t.co\/aVawmhm3oz http:\/\/t.co\/oEFiKLUlPv
— Parrot (@Parrot) Novembre 25, 2014
Great user video: Parrot Bebop Drone first flights & impressions: http:\/\/t.co\/KtD27BGbnu via @YouTube
— Parrot (@Parrot) Novembre 25, 2014
l'homosexualit\u00e9 dans le cin\u00e9ma Cor\u00e9en!\nDommage - NIGHT FLIGHT perd progressivement en humilit\u00e9\nhttp:\/\/t.co\/Rgl7Vl6HDN http:\/\/t.co\/f5Gt0x39GO
— Le Blog Du Cin\u00e9ma (@LeBlogDuCinema) Novembre 03, 2014